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  • R115.00 - R250.00



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  • Brand: Christina Quist
  • Brand: Greg Margolis
  • Brand: Hilde Hay
  • Brand: Vangi Pantazis
  • Brand: Zafar Siddiqi

Biskit en die Boomhuis deur...

Biskit woon saam met sy kwaai tannie Ursula in die stad. Maar sy beste plek is by sy geliefde oupa in ‘n boomhuis langs die meer. Oupa se vreemde manier van leef dryf sy tannie tot raserny. Sy probeer Biskit keer om by Oupa te kom.

Asof dit nie erg genoeg is nie, is daar nog die vreesaanjaende voëlman wat dalk beplan om Biskit in die pot te gooi. Kan Biskit en sy maatjie, Ama, vir eens en vir altyd van tannie Ursula ontslae raak?

Price R130.00

Kaleidoscope - Absurdly...

A lot can happen when a comfortable American lifestyle is purposely disrupted. The author was a middle-aged, conservative, Christian, Midwestern mom who embarked on an unexpected journey when she questioned her faith, left suburbia and moved across the world in search of a transformative spirituality.

Price R250.00

The Yogi Who Sold His...

Greg Margolis (founder of NYPD Security) was for decades intimately involved in dealing with ‘random victims’ of crime or conflict, whether the victim was an individual, a family or even someone close to the victim(s), in many instances if they  could, they often chose to leave the country ‒ this included the vast majority of Greg's extended family. 

But Greg embodied the antithesis of a victim mentality – and chose to stay in SA, founding a non-profit security company in the late 90's, which then later expanded and evolved into a commercial security service provider in Johannesburg.

Price R220.00

TV NEWS 3.0 - An insider’s...

Television news – which has played a crucial role in the world’s most momentous events, from wars and royal weddings to mankind’s first steps on the moon – is in the midst of a digital-fueled revolution. In the early years, TV news was monopolised by large corporations and state broadcasters, who controlled what went on air and when. Then technological advances in the 1980s enabled billionaires like Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch to muscle in and beam 24-hour news channels across the world via cable and satellite.

Price R250.00