After her body experiences the Blossom, the confused virgin Vuyi’s heart begins to burn with unquenchable and relentless passion. Her parents and the village practices compel her to travel to the Village of Virtue, where the fi re in her heart would be moulded and, thus, gain permission to reign as queen with the faithful.
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After her body experiences the Blossom, the confused virgin Vuyi’s heart begins to burn with unquenchable and relentless passion.
Her parents and the village practices compel her to travel to the Village of Virtue, where the fire in her heart would be moulded and, thus, gain permission to reign as queen with the faithful.
With other virgins, she quickly learns that dreams, pain, and sacrifice are strange—however necessary—bedfellows. Though determined to reach her destination, her journey is littered with sadistic creatures that seek to corrupt her, break her down, and puncture her dreams of purity.
Corrupting Virgins is about purity, second chances, and tsunamis of hatred. It is a story about wading through oceans of opinions, tunnelling through mountains of ignorance, and dancing through the joys and sorrows of life. It is a story that seeks to defend love in a society where love is constantly on trial. It’s also about wrestling arguments and monsters that besiege those who believe in faith, hope, and love. Through a unique African and poetic lens, the reader will be taken through Jungles of Insult, Trains of Testing, Rivers of Life, Cities of Instant Gratification, and Villages of Virtue.
About the Author:
Thabang Tlaka holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
He is a poet, playwright, a Mandela Rhodes Scholar, and the author of The Taxi Philosopher. Together with his wife, Dr. Zanele Tlaka, they have founded the creative hub Crazy Poetic Ministries.